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Hiv Causes / AIDS

 Hiv Causes A virus is the cause of HIV. Sexual contact, sharing needles for illegal drugs or injections, coming into touch with contaminated blood, or transmission from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or nursing are all ways HIV might spread.(  Hiv Causes ) WBC called CD4 T cells, which are important to your body's ability to fight with infection, and they are destroyed by HIV virus. Your immune system gets weaker when you have less CD4 T cells in your body. hiv  How does HIV become AIDS? Before ENTERING into AIDS, an HIV infection can remain for many years with less to no any symptoms. When the CD4 T cell count drops down to 200 or you get an AIDS-defining complication, such as a severe type of infection or malignancy, AIDS is diagnosed. How HIV spreads (  Hiv Causes) To get infected with HIV,get infected blood, semen or vaginal secretions must enter your body.  This can happen in many ways: By having sex.  To become infected with HIV, contaminated blood, semen or vag
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