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Every one can benefit from the benefits of yoga. Yoga may also be an important element of your therapy if you're recuperating from surgery, dealing with an illness, or have a chronic disease. This might potentially speed up your recovery.
When working with patients, a yoga therapist can create tailored regimens that complement their medical and surgical procedures.


1. Yoga increases flexibility, balance, and strength.

While doing a particular position with deep breath still position it may give you a very good effect on your body

2. Yoga provides relief from back discomfort.
Yoga is suggested by the American College of Physicians as a first-line therapy for persistent low back pain.

Try it:

Pose: Cat-Cow
Get down on all fours and position your hands and knees so that they are beneath your shoulders and hips, respectively. First, breathe in while allowing your tummy to droop toward the floor. After that, exhale while drawing your navel toward your spine and arching your back like a cat stretching.

3. Yoga can lessen the effects of arthritis.
People with arthritis who practise gentle yoga have reported less pain from their sore, painful joints.
4: Yoga is good for the heart.
Regular yoga practise may lower stress levels and overall inflammatory levels, promoting heart health.
Yoga may also be used to treat a number of the risk factors for heart disease, such as excessive blood pressure and obesity.


5.Yoga helps you unwind, which promotes better sleep.
According to research, doing nighttime yoga regularly might help you establish the correct mood and get your body ready for sleep.
6.Yoga may result in increased vigour and happier moods.
After establishing a regular yoga practise schedule, you could experience an improvement in mental and physical energy, an increase in attentiveness and excitement, and less negative emotions.
7.Yoga can help you cope with stress.
The National Institutes of Health state that research supports the benefits of yoga for stress reduction, mental health, mindfulness, good eating, weight loss, and restful sleep.

8. Yoga makes you part of a group that is encouraging.
Yoga courses can help people feel less alone and offer a setting for communal healing and support. Loneliness is diminished even in one-on-one sessions since each person is respected for their individuality, given a chance to be heard, and included in the development of a tailored yoga programme.
9,Yoga encourages improved self-care.


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